Information Systems homework help

Information Systems homework help


During online travel over VPN encryption, third parties cannot see any information. In virtual personal networks (VPNs), IPSec and SSL are the two most common safe protocol setup suites. Both IPSec and SSL methods for data security in transit are encrypted. Reliable and safe, private network technology is increasing as more users are looking for remote access to company network systems, software, apps, and other resources. By offering strong data protection encryption and strong authentication to reduce access for apps based on defined security regulations, a corporation can reduce safety hazards related to the right VPN to enable remote network access. Selecting a VPN that consists of an SSL VPN or an IPsec VPN is an essential option. When IPsec versus SSL VPNs are compared, companies have to examine the various security dangers of each type of network connection encryption and the other network performance, maintenance and set up advantages.

SSL- VPN Technology

SSL is the VPN technology that I have chosen because it is effective in remote access. IPSec is in the OSI Network Layer and gives users free, application-independent access to the company network. It is more complex to limit entree to precise resources. The SSL VPNs allow companies, on the other hand, to regulate remote access on a granulated basis for individual apps. According to network administrators who administer VPNs, SSL management for clients is more straightforward and faster than IPSec.

SSL is far more secure in comparison with other technology. IPSec networks entail a pre-shared basic for the client and operator to encode and direct circulation to each other. If this code is swapped, an attacker has an opportunity to split or grab the pre-shared key. On the other hand, SSL VPNs sidestep this problem by haggling and exchanging encryption keys using public encryption (Rybin et al., 2018). When using this method, there is a need to fix the server and client more regularly to maintain them up to date. As the IPSec-based VPN protocols do not have open-source code, government spies can be watched using a VPN. Information Systems homework help

SSL-based VPNs help to pass firewalls and other forms of limitations that prohibit port-based communications. NAT firewalls are popular on wireless routers and other network equipment. They delete any unrecognized internet traffic that includes data packets without port numbers to protect them against attacks. Since default port numbers do not allocate the IPSec packets (ESP packets) encrypted, they can be collected in NAT firewalls. As a result, IPSec VPNs can be inoperative. In this context, many IPSec VPNs enclose ESP packages within UDP packs and assign UDP port numbers, often UDP 4500, to their contents. As this resolves the NAT crossover issue, the system firewall may block packets on that port. Only a few protocols may not allow traffic from hotels, airports, and other Network Managers, nor may UDP 4500 be one. Information Systems homework help

SSL traffic can be transmitted over port 443, the security HTTPS communications port acknowledged by most devices. We can assume that port 443 is open since nearly all networks support HTTPS. OpenVPN defaults to port 1194 for UDP communication, although it can be sent to any UDP or TCP port, including port 443 TCP. OpenVPN/SSL is considered lately as the perfect VPN pairing for the most significant consumer VPN users. Open-source VPN is fast, secure, and passes past NAT firewalls, which leverages OpenSSL libraries for encryption and authentication. You can use either the UDP or TCP protocol.

Information Systems homework help

Other relevant forms of remote access

Another approach for companies to allow distant users is desktop sharing. The software is used to monitor remote access to files, presentations, or apps by enabling employees, vendors, or other customers to share files in real-time. Remote login allows PCs from any Web-connected device to be accessed.

PAM is a collection of technologies and methods that secure, restrict, and monitor privileged access to an organization\’s resources. Sophisticated credential security, systems, data access control, credential obstruction, and user activity monitoring are the most successful PAM solutions, among other aspects of information security protection.

Vendor Privileged Access (VPAM) refers to solutions that handle hazards from external suppliers and contractors offered by third-party remote access users. VPAM is PAM-like, yet there are some significant distinctions, as the name suggests (Korhonen, 2019). Traditional PAM systems administer privileged internal accounts based on the logical premise that network administrators are aware of each individual\’s identification and job status. On the other hand, non-protected third-party users are not used by the VPAM solutions to add additional safety layers via multi-factor authentication.


Companies have different options for supplying remote users, but each has its limitations and disadvantages. VPN\’s may be used by inside workers; however, vendors from third parties do not. Desktop sharing solutions are suitable for supporting desktops and helpdesks but not for complicated remote support from companies. VPN and desktop sharing are advantageous for PAM. The organization should choose the most suitable remote access solution for its purposes.


Chen, J., & Li, C. (2018). Research on meteorological information network security systems based on VPN technology. In MATEC Web of Conferences (Vol. 232, p. 01001). EDP Sciences.

Korhonen, V. (2019). Future after OpenVPN and IPsec (Master\’s thesis).

Rybin, D., Piliugina, K., & Piliugin, P. (2018). Investigation of the applicability of SSL/TLS protocol for VPN in APCs. In 2018 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus) (pp. 1318-1321). IEEE.

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