Applied Sciences homework help

Applied Sciences

Organizational Culture

It is easy to confuse organizational climate with organizational culture.  We have discussed culture in the sense of diversity and inclusion.  In this week’s Part 1 – Organizational Culture you will explore these three topics: organizational climate, organizational culture, and inclusion.

Conduct a review of the literature (search EBSCOhost) to find at least three scholarly articles that address these topics.  Compare and contrast the definitions offered for each of these terms.  This will serve as the introduction to your paper.

The remainder of your paper will consist of an informal evaluation you will make regarding the organizational culture of your current workplace that you are using for your Organizational Climate Paper in Week 3.

·         Search EBSCOhost for the Globe Project

·         There are nine constructs based on the GLOBE project:  Power Distance; Uncertainty Avoidance; Humane Orientation; Collectivism I; Collectivism II; Assertiveness; Gender Egalitarianism; Future Orientation; and Performance Orientation.  Assess your current organization informally through these nine lenses.

·         Write a brief report for each construct, detailing what you observe and how you interpret your observations.

Save this assignment to aid you in completing Week 8’s Final Project.

Your paper should be approximately 3-5 pages in length, formatted according to APA style guidelines (click here to find resources for APA style formatting).

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Applied Sciences

It is easy to confuse organizational climate with organizational culture.  We have discussed culture in the sense of diversity and inclusion.  In this week’s Part 1 – Organizational Culture you will explore these three topics: organizational climate, organizational culture, and inclusion.

Conduct a review of the literature (search EBSCOhost) to find at least three scholarly articles that address these topics.  Compare and contrast the definitions offered for each of these terms.  This will serve as the introduction to your paper.

The remainder of your paper will consist of an informal evaluation you will make regarding the organizational culture of your current workplace that you are using for your Organizational Climate Paper in Week 3.

·         Search EBSCOhost for the Globe Project

·         There are nine constructs based on the GLOBE project:  Power Distance; Uncertainty Avoidance; Humane Orientation; Collectivism I; Collectivism II; Assertiveness; Gender Egalitarianism; Future Orientation; and Performance Orientation.  Assess your current organization informally through these nine lenses.

·         Write a brief report for each construct, detailing what you observe and how you interpret your observations.

Save this assignment to aid you in completing Week 8’s Final Project.

Your paper should be approximately 3-5 pages in length, formatted according to APA style guidelines (click here to find resources for APA style formatting).

It is easy to confuse organizational climate with organizational culture.  We have discussed culture in the sense of diversity and inclusion.  In this week’s Part 1 – Organizational Culture you will explore these three topics: organizational climate, organizational culture, and inclusion.

Conduct a review of the literature (search EBSCOhost) to find at least three scholarly articles that address these topics.  Compare and contrast the definitions offered for each of these terms.  This will serve as the introduction to your paper.

The remainder of your paper will consist of an informal evaluation you will make regarding the organizational culture of your current workplace that you are using for your Organizational Climate Paper in Week 3.

·         Search EBSCOhost for the Globe Project

·         There are nine constructs based on the GLOBE project:  Power Distance; Uncertainty Avoidance; Humane Orientation; Collectivism I; Collectivism II; Assertiveness; Gender Egalitarianism; Future Orientation; and Performance Orientation.  Assess your current organization informally through these nine lenses.

·         Write a brief report for each construct, detailing what you observe and how you interpret your observations.

Save this assignment to aid you in completing Week 8’s Final Project.

Your paper should be approximately 3-5 pages in length, formatted according to APA style guidelines (click here to find resources for APA style formatting).


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